
Richard Byatt

Thirty years' highly transferable collaborative serving and leadership in commercial and charity sectors help make strong leadership, communication, collaboration and time management all hallmarks of Rich Soundings' contributions, alongside strong analytical, strategic, systems and technical skills.  Happy to help bring order out of chaos!

Download CV (PDF)

t: 07920 051541


Rich Soundings was borne out of an epiphany that the skills, knowledge and experience invested in me for more than three decades could collaboratively help other people to explore positive change in their lives and businesses.  Having moved to Torquay in 2016, with a desire to explore what really makes community, this venture has already been an exciting journey of stepping out in faith and hope, and seeing conversations and focussed effort begin to transform lives.  The name seeks to combine concepts of yielding large returns and of being productive or fruitful (Rich) and testing made with a probe and a measured depth (Soundings).  Skills and experience of others has been harnessed as needed for specific projects.

The working VISION of Rich Soundings is "Helping all to become the best they can be, achieving full potential personally and professionally, through exploring depths of opportunities and charting new courses", alongside MISSION "With integrity, offer all available skills, experience and energy to collaboratively pursue measured, fruitful change and growth."

With personal background in engineering and computing in international cross-cultural contexts, work and qualifications naturally migrated towards team leading and project management.  Systems thinking, problem solving, and collaborative working to bring the best out of others for common benefit, seems to run naturally through my veins.  Skills and experience gained in commercial contexts have proven highly transferable into the charity sector, and highly adaptable towards diverse challenges, for the past almost-decade.  I find great satisfaction in doing a really good job and providing excellent service.  I also like to think I get on well with most people, and have a sense of humour that often helps build relationship and rarely offends!

I enjoy learning new knowledge and skills, and getting stuck in to apply them to good practical use.  To that end, I have recently qualified as a certified Coach, Tutor and Trainer in Emotional Logic. To those feeling stuck - confused, anxious, powerless or stressed - I offer mentoring and training to bring some order to the chaos, to get going, to embrace new depths - to take first steps to get movement back into life.  Private consultations and training to individuals or small groups, or workshops for larger groups, are available.  I have also trained as a trainer in the NHS Health Education England "Making Every Contact Count" (MECC) framework and am able to provide training to groups from 6 to 16 people.

Preferably, Rich Soundings will operate in a nominal geographic area roughly within a 30-mile radius of Torquay, with locations closer to Torquay given precedence.  Personal connection is important, so much spare time is spent investing in good quality relationships, and I also find I can lose myself in connecting with nature and art through amateur photography.



Contact Rich on 07920 051541

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